To carry out a credible
election, we have to start with credible voter registration. Issues surrounding the state of the voters roll
have been at the heart of most election disputes in Zimbabwe. The main benefit
which will be derived from the use of biometrics for voter registration will be
the production of a new clean voters’ roll which contains unique individual
information based on the physical characteristic (face image and fingerprints)
of each voter. It is important to
emphasise this point as there have been a lot of misconception regarding the
usage of biometrics in the upcoming elections.
In the planned BVR process, a voter’s details (name date of birth,
address etc.) will be digitally captured and stored alongside their biometric
features (face and fingerprints) on a computer. This is very similar to the process we go
through when we apply for National IDs (zvitupa)
and passports. These will then be input into a single database where software
will be used to clean up the voters roll by eliminating voters who would have
registered multiple times. This is
because the software will not only compare names but will also compare the
fingerprints. So a person who registers multiple times under different names
will be picked out by the system.
The second part of the
process, if it was to be implemented, would be biometrics-based voter
verification or authentication which happens on voting day. This is whereby a
person appears on voting day, presents an ID or provides a name. The person’s
biometrics face and/or fingerprints are then captured and compared to those in
the database. If there is a match, the
person would be verified, gets a ballot paper and continues to vote (manually)
in the normal way! The person’s details are then digitally marked as having
voted and cannot be used for repeat voting. This is NOT electronic or biometric
voting, but manual voting as we are used to!

The availability of the BVR
kits means the BVR registration exercise can now be kick-started. However, there are a number of issues that
ZEC should now be diligently looking into in order to ensure that this process
is a success.
It is essential that ZEC ensures
that staff who are going to be handling these kits are adequately trained and
skilled. It is unfortunate that the training of the “BVR Master Trainers and
Technicians” could not be started earlier; the 5 days allocated for the
training may not be adequate. Technology is only as good as the way it is
deployed. In order to identify multiple registrations; which is the main
benefit of the system, clean data must be submitted. Finger prints and
photographs must be clearly captured in the right way, which requires trained
and capable staff. Essential skills for staff operating biometric voter
registration (BVR) include basic computer skills, with an emphasis on data capture,
processing and administration on top of planning and logistical skills. Staff
should also be trained to repair and maintain the equipment, so that they do
not rely solely on the supplier for maintenance and support issues. The
timelines are tight, but the preparedness of the registration team is crucial
to the success of the process.
Since election technology
has the potential to directly affect the political process, it is important to
engender a sense of ownership in its users. In order to achieve this, ZEC should provide
sufficient information to the public to enable them to feel included in the
process. In addition, accessibility,
versatility and equality considerations are to be taken into account when
deploying these kits to ensure that people with special needs (the old, and
disabled for example) are included. Challenges that
may occur during data capture include unreadable prints of old people and
physical workers (for example miners), people with missing fingers and software
bugs. Contingency measures should be in
place to make sure that none of the affected people are disenfranchised.
are a number of technical issues associated with the use of BVR which ZEC must
be aware of and mitigate against. The
use of technology has associated data security risks which occur as data is
collected from individual registration centres to the central registry.
Safeguards should be in place to prevent corruption or manipulation of the
data. Corrupted data may result in “false rejection” of valid voters. It is
therefore important that data security gaps are eliminated from this process.
has to ensure that there are measures in place for the biometric data collected
to be securely transported from registration centres to data centres. There
must be mitigating control measures to protect the mobile registration kits and
data storage devices from theft, manipulation or destruction during storage and
transportation from registration centres.
must also clarify the issue of the Data Centre (Central Server) which will host
the AFIS software (de-duplication software), the centralised biometric data and
related systems. There have been conflicting reports emerging from ZEC which
ranged from a separate tender process for the central system, provision from
existing facilities and recently UN sponsored upgrading of an existing system.
Such conflicting statements emanating from ZEC are not helpful. It should be
noted that the Central Server will only be required once all the data from the
various registration centres has been gathered; so ZEC has got time to resolve
this issue.

challenges to ZEC are not only restricted to technology and procurement.
Advanced technology alone cannot guarantee the integrity of elections without
corresponding legal and administrative protective mechanisms. It is therefore
important for ZEC to ensure that the legal framework is compatible with the
introduction and use of BVR technology. With all due respect to the legal
expertise of Justice Rita Makarau (the
ZEC Chairperson), the Kenyan electoral dispute has highlighted that failures to
adhere to constitutional and other legal requirements can occur and may be
with acquisition of biometric data is the issue of data protection and right to
privacy. While there is a need for electoral data to be in the public domain,
the balance between, on one hand, the reasonable demands for transparency in
electoral processes and the right to privacy of the citizen on the other is a
delicate exercise which requires careful handling.
spite of all the challenges, the introduction of biometrics in the compilation
of voter registers should improve the accuracy of the voter registers and provide
the foundation for clean, violence-free, fair and credible elections. The
biggest benefit of BVR ; as has already been stated is the production of a
clean, credible and reliable voters’ register which is at the heart of
conducting a fair and credible election. The integrity of the voters’ roll is
one of the basic principles on which the legitimacy of an election is founded;
and BVR implemented in the right way is a giant step forward.
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